In jmf had this to say:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but I need
help diagnosing an error message. I have been using the same site
for a few weeks now and just today started getting multiple messages
and cannot view photos I have uploaded. The messages start out a few
different ways but always contain
":/default/javascript/core/JavaUtil.js files are not included"
Anybody have any ideas to fix this so I can use the site again?
Nope, this isn't the correct place. Are you the owner of the site? If so
then perhaps your script (some sort of gallery script perhaps?) has had a
file deleted. If it's one of the giant photo sharing site they could be
updating it.
One of the things you can try to do is to delete your cache and make sure
your settings are at a rational level. Open IE, click on tools, options, and
clear out the temporary files, cookies, etc and a good idea is to set the
limits for the temp to be somewhere low, something from 50 to 100 MB is
almost always plenty for most users and helps prevent odd browsing errors.
If you own the site then, well, this really isn't the place to discuss that
but I suppose someone might help you debug your script or the likes if you
really needed it but if it is owned by someone else then you can just see if
they have a contact address on the site and contact them through there. In
the meantime there are plenty of other photo sharing sites out there that
you can use easily and freely. As a side note: I found an interesting
plug-in for SMF the other day that enabled me to add a gallery to our forum
which we're recreating. Perhaps if you have access to a forum or belong to
one already they might already have something similar already installed. It
may not be the optimal solution but it will do for now, I suspect, if you've
got a pressing need to get your photos online.
Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)
"Chance has put in our way a most singular and whimsical problem, and
its solution is its own reward." - Sherlock Holmes