Explorer crashes when ....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hendrik Dijkstra
  • Start date Start date

Hendrik Dijkstra


When I select select 32 files in explorer and then press
the right mouse button, everything is ok but when I select
33 files and do the same action, explorer crahses.

Event ID: 4097
Source : DrWatson
The application, explorer.exe, generated an application
error The error occurred on 04/21/2004 @ 13:22:50.754 The
exception generated was 8000000003 at address 77F813B1

Please help.

Best regards,
Hendrik Dijkstra
Huhtamaki Netherlands
You don't mention which OS, but the failure here is caused directly by a
hard-coded break in some code that is running inside explorer (i.e. it isn't
an accidental failure). The tricky bit is identifying who is calling the

If you have not already done so, you might want to run a spyware scan and
see if anything has been installed (a lot of spyware hooks into explorer and
can cause issues like this).

You can also contact MS-Support and they can analyze the User.dmp for you
and may be able to identify the culprit.

If you are comfortable debugging, you could open the .dmp using WinDBG
(www.microsoft.com/ddk/debugging). Setup the symbols as described on the
site and type !analyze <enter>. Or just 'kb<enter>'. That will dump the
thread that failed and the dlls that caused the issue. If you cut and paste
the output, someone in the group may be able to tell you something about it.
