I prefer to believe that Xp is a fine OS, perhaps the best since Windows
2000, BUT, it has been on the market for a long time, and people have found
ways to muck-it up with trojans, spyware etc etc... All this takes time to
hack and surely over this time, shit has happened and no one can logically
plug all the holes that get re-invented every day in new and more
treacherous ways.
I am dealing with a few myself these last few days and am getting
Jan Johansson said:
I have the same problem on XP Pro DK. Except no File and Settings Transfer Wizard.
I'm not interested in reinstalling my windows, but more in what Microsoft
wants to do about this, since this clearly being an Windows system issue.
There must be a fix that not involves reinstall.
XP is supposed to be the best OS Microsoft has made so far, so why is it
possible for all theese errors to ocur? And how come since there is so many
security holes in XP, the hotline is not free for users that bought and paid
a large sum of money for a product that apperently is filled with errors?
If I was more Crusader than I am I would sugest all Windows XP user all
over the world to demand that the hotline became free of charge. Simply
bombard Microsoft with this demand.
Also get all the user to demand: that if there is a known error, then fix
it Microsoft! Don't charge people for something you should have fixed from
the start!
With kind regards
Jan Johansson
----- Mark Avery wrote: -----
I've been dealing with this problem for a month since getting a new
machine. I finally fixed it yesterday, but still don't know the cause for
certain. It happened most often when and Explorer window was open,
particularly if browsing a folder with a large number of images. However, I
first discovered it when trying to copy some large files from my old
machine...the shell would terminate and leave the partly copied file on the
new machine.
Although I have no proof, I believe the problem originated with
transferring files and settings from the computer the new one replaced using
the File and Settings Transfer Wizard. The compressed file was nearly 20 GB
and installed normally. I worked with Microsoft Assisted Support for 3
weeks, including escalation to second tier suppot. Suggested solutions
included remove virus from the system, update non-current drivers, disable
all non-Microsoft services in msconfig, update required to Roxio Easy CD
Creator, create a new admin user and log on there, start in Safe Mode
(problem does not occur in Safe Mode, but does occur in Safe Mode with
Networking), install a new copy of Windows on second drive (not possible
here...second drive is larger than 131 GB, and those drives aren't supported
until SP1), remove network cards and modems to remove and then rebuild a
corrupted TCP/IP stack, and perform repair installation of Windows. None of
that worked.
I used a command prompt to XCOPY all my user files (including
application data stored in the Program Files folders) to the second drive,
then reinstalled Windows on the primary drive by booting from the CD,
creating a new installation, deleted all partitions on the main drive,
recreated a new partition and formatted it (not quick format), and installed
Windows from scratch. When the installation was complete (including SP1 and
all Windows Updates), I recopied only the essential files back to the main
drive. I reinstalled applications, first Office, then others, saving restore
points after each successful install. So far, none of the application
installations have caused the problem to reoccur. My system has been running
since yesterday afternoon without having Explorer stop unexpectedly.
The only significant difference between the original installation and
the current one which works properly was that this time I did not attempt to
use the File and Settings Transfer Wizard. A complete installation is a
genuine pain. However, it was the only option of all the ones listed that
seems to have solved the problem.
You are not the only one with this problem...there are several posts
on this forum (including an earlier one of mine) from users experiencing the
same symptoms. You will find even more if you search Google Groups. If this
works for you, I'd be interested in knowing if you also ran the File and
Settings Transfer Wizard before you noticed the problem. Can post back here
or email to m a r k r a v e r y @ h o t m a i l . c o m (without the
antispam spaces, of course). Same for anyone else who experiences this after
running the F&ST Wizard and a clean install of XP fixes the problem. I'll
add the info to my open case with Microsoft Assisted Support and perhaps
find a real solution that corrects the cause instead of just starting over.