XP Home or Pro?
Set up a new user account and try it again.
Still doing both, go back to original account.
If it persists, d/l Acrobat Reader 6.0
After a boot, try the .pdf file again.
If still does it, do this....
"type" MSCONFIG <enter>
check second bullet and reboot
and try it again. If it persists, go back to
msconfig and recheck normal startup.
Restart, and do this...
afterward try it again.
If it still persists do this.
"type" CHKDSK /R
enter"Y" for yes, and
restart (takes 30 minutes or so)
Run Defrag once
Try it again...
It's still doing it
reload I.E.6.0SP1 again over the top
Try it again.
If it still is doing it? If yes, you can use a
Restore Point to a time when it wasn't doing that.
As you can readily see, something like this may not
be easy to run down.
And, if your Security is laxed or you have an
infection it can make it that much harder.
Try running and external virus scan
www.antivirus.com or
Best regards,
Please reply in the NG
Email on auto delete,
" Do a kind deed for someone less fortunate
"When you do, it will warm God's heart"
I am running an XP box with 256 meg of ram. I have
earthlink's spyblocker
and the balance of their tools working. Everytime I
jump to a pdf file
within explorer, explorer locks up and closes when
exiting acrobat. I have
similar problems when jumping to different graphs
within a website, ie
Investors Business Daily.
Anyone willing or can give me some direction I
woudl greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
Jim G