Happens to me all the time. The only way I have of opening an Explorer
Window is to have the "My Computer" icon on the desktop and double-click it.
Then I can successfully double-click any of the drives.
Pierre Szwarc
Paris, France
PGP key ID 0x75B5779B
Multitasking: Reading in the bathroom !
<[email protected]> a ecrit dans le message de (e-mail address removed)...
|I try to right click the "Start" and choose "Explore". It seems no
| response. Is it a bug?
Hmm... doesn't crash on me, but on any folder I "explore" with, just comes
up as the standard folder view as if I've "opened" it... P
Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises: www.zacknet.co.uk
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of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!