mhagen said:
Been getting the same message from Panda. The identification is either
Gibe C/SWen or an exploit/iFrame vulnerability. Panda's website links
the two lables basically as the same virus.
One is probably a detection of the exploit code in the returned
message form of the worm e-mail, and the other a detection of
the worm code in an attachment of the other e-mail form.
Same malware, but differing exploit methods.
Since I use Mozilla set to no javascript/text only mail, I'm a bit
puzzled when the the virus (disinfected) is reported to be in my Inbox
after I've deleted it.
The exploit code (or at least the iFrame container tags) are in the
message body, and the worm code is in the MIME encoded "inline"
or "attachment" content. Maybe the exploit is still detected even
though the "attachment" has been neutered. The entire e-mail should
be deleted, but maybe the combination of AV and e-mail client makes
this a bit problematic.
The spam filter is moving 90% of it to trash and
that's deleted as well. What's left of a deleted file to trigger the AV?
That depends on what is and is not being deleted, and what
being deleted actually means with regard to the program
doing the deletion. If the entire e-mail is being "deleted" by
moving it to the trash folder, then it is still possible for a
scanner to see it in an indexed data file (which is what many
of the mailbox and trashcan e-mail client files are). Even when
emptying the "trash" indexed data file, the recognizeable strings
could still be detected unless and until the data is overwritten
by new data.