Thank you Dzady.
(3186 KB)
The file unzips to Bright-106e.exe (3198 KB). (That unzips to
the installation files.) The license says shareware. It looks like
*free* "shareware" to me. IOW - I think it's Freeware.
IMO this is the key paragraph:
"You are allowed to give exact copies of the shareware-version at
everyone and pass Bright on electronic way in unchanged form. For the
passing of the shareware-version described above you do not need to pay
registration fee."
I installed it - the registration number is included (filled in).
FYI - the help file is online - at the old URL.
FYI - this is the complete license:
Bright Version 1.0 Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Bndsoft Co., Ltd.
License agreements
Important information !
Bright is a shareware product.and protected by Republic of Korea and
international copyright regulations.
It is forbidden to lend Bright totally or partly, to let, or give
sublicences. In no case you may discompil or disassemble Bright
Additionally you may not change the program, translate it and no of it
derived products create or sell.
Bright 1.0 (Shareware-Version)
You are allowed to give exact copies of the shareware-version at
everyone and pass Bright on electronic way in unchanged form. For the
passing of the shareware-version described above you do not need to pay
registration fee.
It is permitted under no circumstances to raise for such copies fees or
require other returns, independently of how these copies were created.
Likewise it is forbidden to you to drive the software and/or the
documentation out as well as other products (commercial or otherwise)
without in addition beforehand a written permission was given to you.
Exclusion of guarantees
Bright and the pertinent files are sold without guaranteeings. No
guarantee for the application is taken over by Bright for a special
purpose, because Bright can be installed under many hardware- and
software environments. A thorough test of the software with uncritical
data should precede the final application, in order to avoid data loss.
The user of Bright carries even each risk. For possible YK2 (year 2000)
errors we are not responsible.
The customer ensures that he does not offend with the use of Bright
against valid right.