experience so far

  • Thread starter Thread starter Benjamin
  • Start date Start date


I removed Ad Aware and Spybot to really test Micro
AntiSpy. I am running McAfee Security Suite 2005 with no
obvious conflict with AntiSpy. After a few weeks of
daily Scans with AntiSpy and finding nothing. I ran Ad
Aware and Spybot and found the same Spyware I was finding
before I installed Micro AntiSpy. I like how it looks
and some of the features. I think it needs work before
it's released.
I agree with you totally Benjamin,I tested the MSAS and
was impressed with the way it looked but it didnt perform
well for me,

The computer usage was huge when i had the real time
protection enabled,plus it was giving conflicting
information all the time.Showing in green that it had
allowed changes for things then saying right under that
in black that it blocked it as its a unknown source,

Plus it was interfering with my norton protection(Norton
was giving messages that it had a internal error and had
to be reinstalled loads of times plus the live update
wasnt working)This went Fine as soon as i uninstalled the
MS antispy

Theres afew other bugs to but i posted them weeks ago on
here like it showing a browser hijacker in internet local
page but i know my system is clean,I searched the add-ons
the registry etc.. and found nothing out of place so
decided to remove it from my system,

The responses i got of here about the faults was that i
dont understand beta and shouldnt use it if i am not
prepared to have loads of faults so i took there advise
and removed it.

This was only a week after installing it and it had just
come out so maybe it has moved on alot since then,I know
they have released alot of updates since then and maybe
even a newer version but to be honest im happy to have
had a insight into the beta test but would rather have
antispy programs that work rather than a testing version
that looks good but will cause me alot of problems.

I wouldnt try it again untill its finally released and
after the problems it caused me and reading on these
forums the amount of problems raised plus all the main
Scumware(adware,spyware etc) that isnt removed using MS
antispy i think anyone who has it should install other
removers like spybot,adaware,spyware guard and spyware
blaster and not put all there faith in MS antispy at this

Thats just my opinion though and im sure there is alot of
people out there who enjoy using it and think its great
but for me i dont feel the need to use beta software
anymore after using the MSAS beta as it shows that the
programs are not ready and like you say it needs more
work to become a great antispy remover.

Hope the MVP's dont mind me posting a negative opinion on
here but thats my view anyway

Regards Andy
It is still in its infancy at this beta 1 stage, and a beta 2 is expected,
so we should tremendous improvements in beta 2. Only feed back like yours
will help the AntiSpyware product get even better.
Seems it would also help the development if you would give the details on
what "spyware" AdAware and Spybot found that MS AS 1.0 Beta did not find.
Such as if they were cookies, which MS AS 1.0 Beta does not detect
currently. And if it wasn't just cookies, what was the names of the spyware
or the files detected? This detailed information is what will really help
this Beta get the improvements it needs.
Could you share some statistics regarding the memory usage? gcasDTServe.exe
is consuming under 9,000 KB, and gcasServ.exe is around 2,000 KB. This is a
relatively small footprint compared to the other applications I have

I also run Norton 2002 and have had absolutely no issues with interference.

So far I've had no issues - I think it's working great, but you should still
use multiple anti-spyware products to cover all the bases. Remember, MSAS
does not remove or detect cookies currently.
To A McGuire,
Sorry i'm unable to provide you with the
statistics as i only kept the MS antispy installed for a
week CPU Usage was always between 80 and 98 % even when i
wasnt using the internet which resulted in everything i
tried to do taking ages to open or just freezing

i never wrote the statistics down as at the time didnt
relate them to MS antispy same with norton i have Norton
Internet Security and Norton system works both 2004 and
in the week i had MS antispy got the error 'Norton has
encountered a internal error,Please uninstall and then
reinstall' about 8 times in that week but when i removed
the MSAS the problems stopped CPU usage was back to
between 0 and 10 % depending what i was doing and Norton
has not shown any errors messages since and is working
fine again now,

Occasionally the live update would work but most of the
time it would run and then say the installs had failed
and i should run it again but when running again would
get the same messages.Again i did not link that to MS
antispy at the time but never uninstalled norton which
was advised but decided to remove MS antispy instead and
Norton worked fine since,I know its hard to prove exactly
what was causing it but with the CPU usage and norton
returning to normal after removing MS antispy i then
assumed that caused it.

That wasnt my only issue with it,the green pop-up saying
it had allowed changes and then on the same pop-up in
black it would also say it blocked the changes was very
annoying and happened even on windows updates,plus
spelling mistakes,The phantom browser hijacker that i
know didnt exist as i searched the program
files,registry,manage add ons screen,and even made a
hijack this log and examined every entry and still the MS
antispy said i had a search hijacker that was a high
threat and needed immediate attention so rebooted into
safe mode and run again but it always showed the same
result and i would always choose to delete it which it
said it had done but could run scan after scan and it
would always say i had a search hijacker and always said
it deleted it,

i could understand if i was rebooting each time and it
was regenerating but i stayed in safe mode and kept
running it and eventually it just started freezing when
it got to the delete part and then saying the program is
not responding plus with the members on here saying i
should only use beta if im prepared to have loads of
faults with the program which im not prepared to do i
decided i am better of without it as ive never had a
trojan infection or adware problem as i have plenty of
protection but have helped friends and family etc. to
remove malware from thiers plus have helped out on Hijack
This site's a few times in the past as L.Eagle so usually
know all the signs and know how to deal with most bugs
that come up

It gave me the impression it had been written by some
kids for a school project rather the a antispy program
written by microsoft so felt safer once it was off my pc
as it was blocking windows updates and messing with
norton in some way plus got to the point whenever i chose
to delete the search hijacker it would freeze and say its
not responding and did i want to send a error report,

Like i say though it had only just come out and i used it
within a few days of it being released so maybe your
version is updated from the one i used and the problems
may have already been addressed and fixed,But even so i
feel safer without it which suprises me with it being
made by microsoft,but im sure its going to get better and
is probably alot better now than when i tried it so
wouldnt want to put anyone off using it,Its just not for
me while its in the testing stage and when it gets
released in the future will give it a try again but like
i say i use the net alot and have never had a problem
with trojans or adware ive had the odd virus through
kazaa lite(Which i removed last year sometime) in the
past mainly trojan.moo but again its never affected me as
norton had always dealt with it before it got onto my
system,I use trendhousecall cwshredder,spyware guard,spy
sweeper,spy ware blaster,Norton Antivirus,Yahoo
Antispy,Spybot,Adaware.CCleaner and a few other so
personally dont feel the need to add another especially
not one which is still as the testing stage

Hope this answers your question Mate

I have installed MSAS on a load of different machines in
my company, quite a mix of different machines, laptops,
branded & clone PC and different OS, and had no problems.

Had no obvious conflicts with the other Security products
we run on site.

On our remote users who are not behind our company
firwalls, it has performed well in keeping their systems
free from problems.
Can you say more about the last remark? Do you see an issue for the users
behind the firewall? Or are you just mentioning that because those users
are relatively clean, in terms of spyware?