Expanding/Contracting Form depending on data entry requirements

  • Thread starter Thread starter Damian
  • Start date Start date


[I'm building a DVD database for personal use, and am not a Access/VB expert]

I've put the Film Details and the DVD Inventory in different tables, as I
might have multiple copies of the same movie, and don't want to be entering
that information more often than necessary.

When adding to the inventory I've used a combo box fro the just the Film
Title. If the correct one is not there, then there is a button to open up
another form to enter in the film title, I just wondered if it was possible
to embed that form in the main form, such that if the title is missing
clickig the button would simply expand the form and you would enter the
details without having to switch forms.

Any help/suggestions very much appreciated
You can embed a form inside a form with the subform control. And you can
manipulate the height/width of a form with the insideheight and insidewidth
Thanks Lance, what I was wondering was whether the appearance of the subform
could be triggered by a button?

That way the form would not get too big, that subform would basically be
minimized if not required and maximized if it was?
Yeah, all you need to do is play with the insideheight and insidewidth

on the on_click event just put in a me.insideheight = <some height value>

Perhaps your new height should be something like: <subform.top> +
<subform.height> + <50 for a buffer between the subform and the border>