Expanded "Documents and Settings" Folder is A Nuisance

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I don't store much in the Documents and Settings folder but it expands
automatically in Windows Explorer under XP. So every time open Windows
Explorer I first have to go to Documents and Settings and collapse it. I
have to do this a dozen times a day.

How can I stop Documents and Settings from expanding automatically under XP?
Right click the desk and make a net shortcut in the Target cut and paste
%systemroot%\explorer.exe /e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
and close the window. You now have a new shortcut to Explorer. You can move
the new shortcut to Quicklaunch if you want.
How can I stop Documents and Settings from expanding automatically under XP?

Similar to John's reply, I have made a new shortcut to have explorer
open to simply C: when I click the shortcut. Create a new shortcut and
enter the following in the browse box:
C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe /e, C:\

This assumes that your windows is installed on C drive and under a
folder called WINDOWS, but this is the default, so you're probably
safe. If you want explorer to open to a specific folder, just replace
the text after the /e,(space) with the path you want it to open to. If
the path includes any spaces, enclose the path in quotation marks.