execution permission cannot be acquired

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Cabanski
  • Start date Start date

Tom Cabanski

We have a .NET (1.1) assembly installed in the GAC and
registered for interop with regasm. A call from an ASP
page (Server.Create...) was working fine until sometime
last week when we installed some Microsoft patches on the
machine. Now we get an error on the Server.Create:

execution permission cannot be acquired

I know this is a permissions problem. I tried a couple
different shotgun fix ideas like granting the anonymous
IIS account execute rights on the entire machine and
allowing script and execute rights to the entire web from
ISM -- no luck. This is a development box so I am not
under the gun but I need to know the fix so I can get my
production boxes setup right before somebody at one of my
client sites installs whatever patch changed something
and made this application break.
We are in exactly the same position as you. We are still able to develop by denying anonymous access on our test boxes but as soon as one of our clients (General Electric in this case) updates (we are sure it is the latest MDAC security patch) then their will be problems.

Any new info will be greatly appreciated

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