Execute Procedure on a remote Access Db file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kumar
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I am trying to open another Access DB from my current Access DB and trying to
execute a SUB programatically. But I get a message that Microsoft Office
Access can't find macro "ParseMnAFileAGH" message. Any help on this is much

Here is my code:

SUB RunMacro()
dim objAccess as Access.Application
Set objAccess=CreateObject("Access.Application")
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\MnAAH.mdb")
objAccess.docmd.RunMacro "ParseMnAFileAH"
Set objAccess = Nothing
End sub
Kumar said:
I am trying to open another Access DB from my current Access DB and trying
execute a SUB programatically. But I get a message that Microsoft Office
Access can't find macro "ParseMnAFileAGH" message. Any help on this is

Here is my code:

SUB RunMacro()
dim objAccess as Access.Application
Set objAccess=CreateObject("Access.Application")
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\MnAAH.mdb")
objAccess.docmd.RunMacro "ParseMnAFileAH"
Set objAccess = Nothing
End sub

I don't think that is an exact quote of your code, which makes it harder to
debug for you. But if "ParseMnAFileAGH" or "ParseMnAFileAH" is the name of
a Sub, then RunMacro can't run it, because a VBA procedure is not a what
Access thinks of as a macro.

I'm not sure if you can call it directly, like this:


.... without setting a reference to the project. Feel free to try that and
report if it works. But if it doesn't, you can still probably call the
procedure by name, like this:

objAccess.Run "ParseMnAFileAH"
On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 15:21:01 -0800, Kumar

I think this code looks OK. One thing to check is the name of the
macro. In your message you're using both ParseMnAFileAGH and

Microsoft Access MVP
Below is a bit of code to do as you ask that I came across a while back and
kept in case it could serve. Your problem is that you are using the
'.RunMacro' instead of the '.Run' command. As 'RunMacro' name states, it is
to run a Macro, not a VBA procedure.

Sub ForeignProcedure()

Dim appAccess As Access.Application

' Create instance of Access Application object.
Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")

' Open MyDatabaseName.mdb database in Microsoft Access window.
appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase “C:\MyDatabaseName", False
'False so as not to open in exclusive mode
' Run Sub procedure.
appAccess.Run "ForeignProcedureName"
Set appAccess = Nothing

MsgBox "Done!"

End Sub
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples: http://www.devhut.net
Please rate this post using the vote buttons if it was helpful.
On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 17:45:17 -0700, Tom van Stiphout

Ah, Dirk is right. Your code (once corrected for object name
misspellings) is to execute a macro.

Microsoft Access MVP
Thanks Tom. The procedure name is correct. The type is in the message. Any
how. I double checked and the procedure name is "ParseMnAFileAH". Still havin
gthe same issue.
Thanks for the tip Daniel. I changed the code per your suggestion.
Sub RunMacro()

Dim objAccess As Access.Application

Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
objAccess.Visible = False
' Open AH Database
objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase ("c:\MnAAH.mdb"), False
'Execute AH create Macro
objAccess.Run "ParseMnAFileAH"
Set objAccess = Nothing

End Sub

And here is the result.
Run-time error '2517':
Microsoft Office Access can't find the procedure 'ParseMnAFileAH.'

BTW: I am using Access 2003.
Thanks for the suggestion Dirk. But that didn't work. Got compiler error
saying "Method or data member not found"
' Something to try.
' Just don't have the name of the Module
' in MnAAH.mdb the same as Sub ParseMnAFileAH
Sub RunMacro()

With CreateObject("Access.Application")
.OpenCurrentDatabase ("C:\MnAAH.mdb")
.Run "ParseMnAFileAH"
End With

End Sub
Are you sure the module name in the remote database is not the same as the
Sub name? I tested it with your names and it worked in A2003.
Yes as a matter of fact they are the same (the module name and the SUB name),
is that an issue?
Only if you want it to work.

Try changing the Module name to something different.

Also while you are at it, did you declare the Sub as: -

Private Sub ParseMnAFileAH()

If so remove the word Private.
ChrisO, you are a good man. I got is, when I changed my SUB name to something
other than the module name, it worked.
Keep up the good work my friend and thank you.
Daniel, thank you. I found the problem. The My posted code is fine, but in my
remote database i named both the module and SUB name same . WHen I changed
the SUB name it worked like a chard. Thank you for your help for getting me
to that point. Regards.