D drishtik Sep 21, 2003 #1 hi i have made my c-sharp app that uses a web service how do i make an exe to distribute it?
R Ralph Gerbig Sep 21, 2003 #2 Hi, try to use csc.exe. If you are using Visual Studio you will find the exe in the bin directory of ypu project. -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Regards Ralph Gerbig (e-mail address removed) www.ralphgerbig.de.vu
Hi, try to use csc.exe. If you are using Visual Studio you will find the exe in the bin directory of ypu project. -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Regards Ralph Gerbig (e-mail address removed) www.ralphgerbig.de.vu
D drishtik Sep 21, 2003 #3 im using dotnet 2003 but i can t find the csc.exe in the visual studio folder or subfolders isnt there a way to make exe thru the IDE? thanx for the inputs
im using dotnet 2003 but i can t find the csc.exe in the visual studio folder or subfolders isnt there a way to make exe thru the IDE? thanx for the inputs
R Ralph Gerbig Sep 21, 2003 #4 Hi, Hi change the active config of your project to release, then press Shift+Ctrl+B. Then you will find the exe in [folder of you Project][bin][release]. Chan -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Regards Ralph Gerbig (e-mail address removed) www.ralphgerbig.de.vu
Hi, Hi change the active config of your project to release, then press Shift+Ctrl+B. Then you will find the exe in [folder of you Project][bin][release]. Chan -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Regards Ralph Gerbig (e-mail address removed) www.ralphgerbig.de.vu
R Ralph Gerbig Sep 22, 2003 #6 hi, you'll find it in the directory of the .net Framework SDK. -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Regards Ralph Gerbig (e-mail address removed) www.ralphgerbig.de.vu
hi, you'll find it in the directory of the .net Framework SDK. -- Mit freundlichen Gruessen - Regards Ralph Gerbig (e-mail address removed) www.ralphgerbig.de.vu