EXE files do not have to be associated with anything, they
are executable on their own. Data files need to be
associated so they can open and run properly.
| Hi Brandon,
| The problem is that both .pps documents and regular .exe
files are being
| opened with Powerpoint. I need to change the way .exe
files are opened,
| (Powerpoint docs opens OK) and I don't know what program
to associate
| them with. OTOH, perhaps I no longer have the problem,
will download
| some update today and find out.
| BTW, what is the default program that open
| waht kind of application is it?
| Thanks for your time.
| Best Regards
| Brandon Supernaw wrote:
| > Around 3/1/2004 8:23 PM, : ) proclaimed for posterity:
| >
| >> Netscape 7 seems to be the source of my problems, but
reinstalling it
| >> doesn't seem to help. I just installed a fixer program
| >>
http://www.dougknox.com/xp/file_assoc.htm a fellow
poster kindly
| >> provided. I haven't yet downloaded any program, so I
still don't know
| >> if that hit the spot. I'll let you know either one way
or the other.
| >> Thanks for all your assistance.
| >>
| >> BTW, what's the name of the program that opens .exe
| >>
| >> Best Regards
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >
| > [snippity]
| >
| > Check this in Netscape.
| >
| > Edit | Preferences >> Navigator >> Helper Applications
| >
| > Look in the file types box over on the right side for
anything set to
| > handle powerpoint files. Remove it (you can edit it and
write down all
| > of its properties first if you like). Next time you try
to open a
| > powerpoint file, you'll probably be asked how to handle
it, but this
| > should hopefully take care of the extension being added.
| >
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