I need to get the details about the exchange server name, email
address, username and password from the outlook, which is already
configured. Is it possible to retrieve those values in C#?
I tried using the following code
Outlook.Application objOutlook = new
// Get items in my inbox.
NameSpace outlookNS = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
outlookNS.CurrentUser.Address gives me the AD user name.
Can anyone help me to get the other values?
Thanks in advance
I need to get the details about the exchange server name, email
address, username and password from the outlook, which is already
configured. Is it possible to retrieve those values in C#?
I tried using the following code
Outlook.Application objOutlook = new
// Get items in my inbox.
NameSpace outlookNS = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI");
outlookNS.CurrentUser.Address gives me the AD user name.
Can anyone help me to get the other values?
Thanks in advance