Exchange IE8 for IE7

  • Thread starter Thread starter John
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I have windows XP SP3. My PC is about 5 years old and a bit slow. I
recently replaced my IE7 with IE8 and now find that my PC seems to have
become even slower. What is the best way to uninstal IE8 and replace it
with IE7 again?
I am not 100% certain however I thought I'd start with that because I've
read that IE8 has caused a problem on older PCs. I just wanted to be certain
I'd get IE7 back again without too many complications. I have also installed
Windows Live mail recently and if going back to IE7 does not improve my
problem I'll uninstall this as well. Perhaps my problem is a combination of
both. I have ample space on my harddrive but only 1024 MB DDR SDRAM and a
1.6 GHz Intel Pentium Processor. Your further comments on this would be
1 GB of RAM and a 1.6 GHz computer is MORE than ample (and not all that old,

I'm pretty certain your problem is not due to IE8. Something else is
slowing it down.
I use IE8 and have no slowdowns. Have you checked task manager to see if
something is running
in the background? Are you running virus detect programs?
My taskmanager usually shows 95-98cpu in the idle process and seems OK. My
virus programs are Microsoft Security Essentials and MalwareBytes and both
show all clears in the full search.
I'll uninstall Windows Live Mail later as I still have Outlook Express, my
original email program. I have been testing WLM and was quite happy with it
but don't really need it and my problem started after I installed this as
well as IE8.
My computer has become so slow that on start up it sometimes stops halfway
during startup and I have to re-start it again.
My taskmanager usually shows 95-98cpu in the idle process and seems OK. My
virus programs are Microsoft Security Essentials and MalwareBytes and both
show all clears in the full search.
I'll uninstall Windows Live Mail later as I still have Outlook Express, my
original email program. I have been testing WLM and was quite happy with it
but don't really need it and my problem started after I installed this as
well as IE8.
My computer has become so slow that on start up it sometimes stops halfway
during startup and I have to re-start it again.

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A System having 1.6GHz 1GB RAM is a good spec system. Have your check
the prcoesses runnning during the working. You should check services
running and also starup programs using mscongfig command in the run. I
think it is some virus that is causing problem
After some time experimenting without improvement I have today uninstalled
IE8 and gone back to IE7 and my problem with the slowdown of my PC
immediately improved back to the normal speed I had before.
Thanks for your assistance.................
That is strange however I doubt IE8 is the cause since I, and millions of
others are using IE8 without problems.
Suggest you investigate further.