Exchange 2007 POP3 not working!

Oct 27, 2009
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I have a new installation of Exchange 2007 running SBS 2008. I can send and receive through Exchange. I cannot send and receive through POP3/SMTP. I enabled the POP3 connector and set Exchange authentication to Plain Text.

However, when trying to set up Outlook 2007 to send/receive via POP3/SMTP I get errors when testing account settings and am unable to send/receive.

Log onto incoming mail server(POP3): Outlook cannot connect to your incoming email server. ....
Send test email message: None of the the authentication methods supported by this client are support by your server.

I have verified port 25 is open via telnet.

I tried the username as mydomain\user and mydomain\user\exchange alias. Nothing works. I have tried with and without SMTP server requiring authentication as well.

On another possibly related note, the POP3 connector General tab says that I need to restart POP3 service for config change to take effect. I have restarted this service many times but the message never goes away.

Any help would be appreciated.