I have four different copmuters, all running a DG965OT intel procesor with a
Core2 chip. Two have Vista HP and two have Ultimate. All four are having
the same problem. When I turn the computer on there is a 30 second lag
between when the Bios spash screen show to when the first boot device is
attempted(in this case it is the CD drive). There is then a 4 to 5 min pause
before the vista splash screen starts. I don't think this is normal but it
happens on all my systems. Is this a vista problem or a motherboard/bois
problem. I have updated the bios and have all vista updates minus the SP1
beta. One computer is running a raid all the others are not.
Core2 chip. Two have Vista HP and two have Ultimate. All four are having
the same problem. When I turn the computer on there is a 30 second lag
between when the Bios spash screen show to when the first boot device is
attempted(in this case it is the CD drive). There is then a 4 to 5 min pause
before the vista splash screen starts. I don't think this is normal but it
happens on all my systems. Is this a vista problem or a motherboard/bois
problem. I have updated the bios and have all vista updates minus the SP1
beta. One computer is running a raid all the others are not.