Daniel Wilson
I am having exception-handling and stability problems with .NET. I will
have a block of managed code inside try...catch and will still get a generic
..NET exception box that will tell me which assemblies are loaded before
shutting down. In one case, some of my DB-accessing code didn't handle a
NULL value properly. But try...catch wouldn't catch the exception and keep
going. I'd just get the error message and then it would shut the
application down.
Does .NET have problems like this? Or am I doing something wrong? I can't
roll code like this out to our customers.
Elsewhere in the application, I am using an open-source .NET library that
extern's lots of functions. I am going back through that library trying to
add exception-handling, but if all it is is a lot of externs, I don't see
what I can do. Is a library like that inherently unstable?
Daniel Wilson
Senior Software Solutions Developer
Embtrak Development Team
DVBrown Company
have a block of managed code inside try...catch and will still get a generic
..NET exception box that will tell me which assemblies are loaded before
shutting down. In one case, some of my DB-accessing code didn't handle a
NULL value properly. But try...catch wouldn't catch the exception and keep
going. I'd just get the error message and then it would shut the
application down.
Does .NET have problems like this? Or am I doing something wrong? I can't
roll code like this out to our customers.
Elsewhere in the application, I am using an open-source .NET library that
extern's lots of functions. I am going back through that library trying to
add exception-handling, but if all it is is a lot of externs, I don't see
what I can do. Is a library like that inherently unstable?
Daniel Wilson
Senior Software Solutions Developer
Embtrak Development Team
DVBrown Company