exception after using HttpWebRequest

  • Thread starter Thread starter z. f.
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z. f.

my system runs Windows2000 server with sp4, dot-net framework version 1.1 (1.1.4322), Visual Studio 2003 (7.1.3088),
making a windows application in C# that uses HttpWebRequest and brings data, after about a minuete from the end of the response, while the window stays open, i get exception:
system.dll!System.Net.Sockets.OverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(uint errorCode = 64, uint numBytes = 0, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped = 1638880) + 0xa0 bytes

I don't think there something i've done using c# and built in classes that should cause this, is it a known error or something?


I've done some work with WinSock and such and we've experienced a minor problem with socket reads timing out with an error 64. Which is ERROR_NETNAME_DELETED. Web searches bring up a variety of documentation on this error, the best one I found listed potential problems with the nic, protocol bindings, etc. Unfortunately, I can not tell you why it occurs, some preliminary scoping seems to indicate the initial SYNC is not being sent... ?! (perhaps a defect with trying to reuse a socket connection, just dunno).

Obviously, I'd say first are you getting all the data you expect? Are you then explicitly closing all Request & Response streams? If you're getting all the data I'm not sure why it'd even still be DOING another read op because the exception seems to indicate it issued I/O as was waiting for that to complete when the error 64 occurred. My guess is you want to close Request & Response streams, etc. as soon as your done with them so .NET framework can close/cleanup the underlying socket resources, etc.


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my system runs Windows2000 server with sp4, dot-net framework version 1.1 (1.1.4322), Visual Studio 2003 (7.1.3088),
making a windows application in C# that uses HttpWebRequest and brings data, after about a minuete from the end of the response, while the window stays open, i get exception:
system.dll!System.Net.Sockets.OverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(uint errorCode = 64, uint numBytes = 0, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped = 1638880) + 0xa0 bytes

I don't think there something i've done using c# and built in classes that should cause this, is it a known error or something?

Can you tell us what the exact exception you are seeing ? Please give the exception message as well as the stack trace

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my system runs Windows2000 server with sp4, dot-net framework version 1.1 (1.1.4322), Visual Studio 2003 (7.1.3088),
making a windows application in C# that uses HttpWebRequest and brings data, after about a minuete from the end of the response, while the window stays open, i get exception:
system.dll!System.Net.Sockets.OverlappedAsyncResult.CompletionPortCallback(uint errorCode = 64, uint numBytes = 0, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* nativeOverlapped = 1638880) + 0xa0 bytes

I don't think there something i've done using c# and built in classes that should cause this, is it a known error or something?
