Excell Invoice Template - Mac 1998; change cell value

  • Thread starter Thread starter robert
  • Start date Start date


In the Invoice Template, values are totaled at the bottom of the Righ
Hand Column. All I want to do, is learn how to change the value of
cell, in that same column, so that cell value is SUBTRACTED instead o
added. The row formula for that cell should stay the same (i.e. Qty
Unit Price= Total). But I want that total to be subtracted from th
invoice total. Compreendes? Thanks Much, Robert

Putting a negative qty or negative amount is one way. Another way is to
change the SUM line where the Subtotal is.
If the value you want to take off is in L18 (which is the first line of the
invoice) change the Subtotal line to:
=SUM(L18:L34) - L18-L18
You need to take it off twice, as it's already included in the total. If you
always use the same line for the negative, you can change the formula to:
=SUM(L19:l34) - L18
