H hari Sep 11, 2009 #1 In excel , through visual basic program how do i know row number / column number of active cell
S Sam Wilson Sep 11, 2009 #2 Sub demo() MsgBox "Row " & ActiveCell.Row MsgBox "Column " & ActiveCell.Column End Sub
R Rick Rothstein Sep 11, 2009 #3 There is nothing mysterious or magical about the ActiveCell... it is a range just like Range("B1") or Cells(1,2) are... and it has the same properties as do all range objects which include Row and Column... MsgBox "(Row, Col) = (" & ActiveCell.Row & ", " & ActiveCell.Column & ")"
There is nothing mysterious or magical about the ActiveCell... it is a range just like Range("B1") or Cells(1,2) are... and it has the same properties as do all range objects which include Row and Column... MsgBox "(Row, Col) = (" & ActiveCell.Row & ", " & ActiveCell.Column & ")"