Excel will not open..if file clicked



Ok maybe I am missing something simple but this is driving me nuts...

1. I receive an email with an Excel attachment

Using Oultlook express and windows XP Office

I click on attachamnet and get a pop up saying that the
c:?documents/whatever else stuff on the path/ to temp can not be found.. so
attachement will not open..

2. If I save attachment in save as then open My Documents and click on
attachement name it will still not open... but I get the excel window open
but totally grey and it says ready in bottom left corner..

3. If I open excel separately and click on open and then the file name it
opens fine..I tried making a new excell sample spreadsheet... same thing ..
had nothing to do with email... if I click on file name it won't open.. If I
open excell first then click on file name it is fine...

What could be the reason ??

I took out the entire Office program and reinstalled it creanly.. no

Samll issue but one of those that drives you nuts..

Dave Peterson

Sometimes one of these works when you're having trouble with double clicking on
the file in windows explorer:

Tools|Options|General|Ignore other applications (uncheck it)

--- or ---

Close Excel and
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /unregserver
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /regserver

The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
factory defaults.

Maybe one of these will work for you.

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