excel "web query" timeout



I have a problem with web query.
I create an excel sheet, retrieving web data. generally, it work well, but
sometimes, it take a longer time to complete the process.

I check the time:
1. generally, it take 5~10 sec.
2. sometimes, when internet or link is error, it will take 21~24 sec. (seem
like some timeout constant) and return an error.
3. But only some exceptional cases, the query waiting for several minute
(more than 5 min) to return back to excel with data.

In case 1 and 2, I can handle it, but in case 3, I don't know how to handle
it. Only let the program halting and waiting for the reture. It seem not
work. If I can set a timeout for web query, it may help.

Do you have some suggestion, please help.
Best regards,

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