I am using Office XP within XP Pro environment. I have 3 users each o
whom have their personal Outllook Contacts database.
I have manually exported each of these into a single Excel workbook.
have de-duplicated the entries and ensured the correctness of eac
entry and enforced a common formatting of data.
I wish to automate a procedure of:
1. Opening each contacts database
2. Downloading into Excel all contact details
3. De-duplicating and manipulating the records into a composite lis
- this code already written
4. Upload this composite list to overwrite the existing contact
database for each user.
I have used the code below to get a name and e-mail address fro
Outlook but am having real problems changing this to get all th
Contacts records.
Dim objO As Outlook.Application
Dim objAL As Outlook.AddressList
Dim objAE As Outlook.AddressEntry
Dim strAdd() As String
Dim i As Integer
Set objO = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objAL = objO.Session.AddressLists("Contacts")
For Each objAE In objAL.AddressEntries
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve strAdd(1 To 2, i)
strAdd(1, i) = objAE.Name
strAdd(2, i) = objAE.Address
Next objAE
Set objO = Nothing
I have seen a MAPI way of doing this but I cannot get it to work on m
Can anyone help please?[I
whom have their personal Outllook Contacts database.
I have manually exported each of these into a single Excel workbook.
have de-duplicated the entries and ensured the correctness of eac
entry and enforced a common formatting of data.
I wish to automate a procedure of:
1. Opening each contacts database
2. Downloading into Excel all contact details
3. De-duplicating and manipulating the records into a composite lis
- this code already written
4. Upload this composite list to overwrite the existing contact
database for each user.
I have used the code below to get a name and e-mail address fro
Outlook but am having real problems changing this to get all th
Contacts records.
Dim objO As Outlook.Application
Dim objAL As Outlook.AddressList
Dim objAE As Outlook.AddressEntry
Dim strAdd() As String
Dim i As Integer
Set objO = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objAL = objO.Session.AddressLists("Contacts")
For Each objAE In objAL.AddressEntries
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve strAdd(1 To 2, i)
strAdd(1, i) = objAE.Name
strAdd(2, i) = objAE.Address
Next objAE
Set objO = Nothing
I have seen a MAPI way of doing this but I cannot get it to work on m
Can anyone help please?[I