Excel VBA - macro that copies the sheets to another workbook

  • Thread starter Thread starter ThomasX
  • Start date Start date



For several days trying to write a macro, which will:
1st open a specific folder with other files such as: test_01.xls,
test_02.xls, test_03.xls etc..
2nd copies of these sheets, whose name starts with the letter: X
3rd paste them into a workbook summary (zbiorczy.xls).
4th closed source files

Macro executing copy is below, but I do not know how to realize the
rest of the functionality:

Dim x As Integer
Dim BkName As String
Dim BegSht As Integer
Dim EndSht As Integer

BkName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
BegSht = 1
EndSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count - BegSht + 1

For x = 1 To EndSht

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(BegSht).Copy _

BegSht = BegSht + 1

In a standard module:

Option Explicit

Sub CopySheets()
Dim wkbSource As Workbook, wkbTarget As Workbook
Dim sPath As String, sWksNames As String, sz As String
Dim Dlg, Wks, sExt, f, vCalcMode
Dim bXLfile As Boolean

'Edit these to suit
Const sFileTypes As String = ".xls,.xlsx"
Const sTargetWkbName As String = "zbiorczy.xls"
Const sBeginChar As String = "X"

'Make sure the target wkb is open
On Error Resume Next
Set wkbTarget = Workbooks(sTargetWkbName) '//edit to suit
On Error GoTo 0
If wkbTarget Is Nothing Then
sz = "The file '" & sTargetWkbName & "' is not open."
sz = sz & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sz = sz & "Please open the file and try again."
MsgBox sz, vbCritical: Exit Sub
End If

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
vCalcMode = .Calculation: .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With

On Error GoTo ErrExit
'Get the folder
Set Dlg = Application.FileDialog(4)
With Dlg
If .Show = False Then Exit Sub '//user cancelled
sPath = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
If Right$(sPath, 1) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"

'Get the files
f = Dir(sPath, 7)
Do While f <> ""
'Filter for filetypes
bXLfile = (InStr(1, sFileTypes, _
Mid$(f, InStrRev(f, ".", , vbTextCompare))) > 0)
If bXLfile Then
Application.StatusBar = "Processing File: " & f
Set wkbSource = Workbooks.Open(sPath & f)
'Get names of sheets to copy
For Each Wks In wkbSource.Worksheets
If Left$(Wks.Name, 1) = sBeginChar _
Then sWksNames = sWksNames & "," & Wks.Name
Next 'wks
If Not sWksNames = "" Then
Call GroupSheets(Mid$(sWksNames, 2), , wkbSource)
Windows(f).SelectedSheets.Copy _
sWksNames = "" '//clear the list
End If 'Not sWksNames = ""
wkbSource.Close SaveChanges:=False
End If 'bXLfile
f = Dir '//get the next file

Set wkbSource = Nothing: Set wkbTarget = Nothing: Set Dlg = Nothing
With Application
.StatusBar = False: .ScreenUpdating = True: .Calculation =
End With 'Application
End Sub

' GroupSheets()
' This procedure requires only the necessary amount of coding be used
' in the Caller. By default, it requires passing only the first arg.
' Use Example: GroupSheets "Sheet1,Sheet3"
' creates a group of only those sheets.
' To group all sheets in a workbook except those sheets:
' GroupSheets "Sheet1,Sheet3", False
' To group all sheets in a workbook pass an empty string:
' GroupSheets "", False
' You can pass the Wkb arg to specify any open workbook.
' (The Wkb doesn't need to be active for this purpose)
Public Sub GroupSheets(Sheetnames As String, _
Optional bInGroup As Boolean = True, _
Optional Wkb As Workbook)
' Groups sheets in Wkb based on whether Sheetnames
' are to be included or excluded in the grouping.
' Arg1 is a comma delimited string. (ie: "Sheet1,Sheet3")

Dim Shts() As String, sz As String
Dim i As Integer, Wks As Worksheet, bNameIsIn As Boolean

If Wkb Is Nothing Then Set Wkb = ActiveWorkbook
For Each Wks In Wkb.Worksheets
bNameIsIn = (InStr(Sheetnames, Wks.Name) > 0)
If bInGroup Then
If bNameIsIn Then sz = Wks.Name
If bNameIsIn Then sz = "" Else sz = Wks.Name
End If
If Not sz = "" Then '//build the array
ReDim Preserve Shts(0 To i): Shts(i) = sz: i = i + 1
End If
End Sub 'GroupSheets
Check out Ron de Bruin's site.


Browse through the codes you find under his Copy/Paste/Merge Examples.

Note the "merge data from all workbooks in a folder" section.

Ron has also supplied an Add-in you could download.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP