Is it possible, through VBA, to obtain (asign to string-variable), th
shortcut key, which belongs to(runs) some macro. I hav
found(VBA-ObjectBrowser >>Help), that the "ShortcutKey" Propert
belongs to Name Object but "name deifined as a custom Microsoft Exce
4.0 macro command". But in the workbook which, I know for sure, contai
macro with shortcut key asignment, there is no such "name deifined as
custom macro command", there are only regular Names, ie no Name wit
"MacroType" Property etc ... I have check this fact, through VBA, b
asigning to Object variable, collection of all Workbook.Names (usin
loop), and then check in "Locals Window" for properties.
Wider context: I have made procedure which make copy of som
Workbook(WbOrig) to BackUpWorkbook(WbBck), including also all o
VBProject.Components, .References, etc ... Everything works fine
except that, the WbBck doesn't have the "shortcut key functionality
for running macros, because the "shortcut key asignment " isn'
System: Win98 - Excel 2000
Thank You in advance. Regards. Mirom
shortcut key, which belongs to(runs) some macro. I hav
found(VBA-ObjectBrowser >>Help), that the "ShortcutKey" Propert
belongs to Name Object but "name deifined as a custom Microsoft Exce
4.0 macro command". But in the workbook which, I know for sure, contai
macro with shortcut key asignment, there is no such "name deifined as
custom macro command", there are only regular Names, ie no Name wit
"MacroType" Property etc ... I have check this fact, through VBA, b
asigning to Object variable, collection of all Workbook.Names (usin
loop), and then check in "Locals Window" for properties.
Wider context: I have made procedure which make copy of som
Workbook(WbOrig) to BackUpWorkbook(WbBck), including also all o
VBProject.Components, .References, etc ... Everything works fine
except that, the WbBck doesn't have the "shortcut key functionality
for running macros, because the "shortcut key asignment " isn'
System: Win98 - Excel 2000
Thank You in advance. Regards. Mirom