Excel & VBA Macro Help AGAIN

  • Thread starter Thread starter darno
  • Start date Start date


I am in trouble. I have an Excel Worksheet containing a Column A whic
has an entry list of dates. From January 01 to onwards There are
other columns containing different values. The total worksheet is fro
Column A1 to Column F20. My requirement is to Create a Macro by which
will ask user to give a range on the basis of Column A (Column
contains Date Values) by an input dialog box that should ask user t
input starting date and ending date. Once the input values are entere
the program should get the addresses from the input dates. for exampl
if the dates which were enter were in cell A2 and A56 then the progra
should highlight columns from A2 to F2 and A56 to F56 and(A2:A56) bu
these addresse are not constant as they depend upon user input. So
need a macro that could create a range out of that address and mark i
with some border or color or pattern. Please help me and tell me ho
can we achieve this. Please do leave your email address for sayin

Dim sStart as String, sEnd as String
Dim res as variant, res1 as variant
Dim rng as Range
sStart = Inputbox("Enter Start Date")
sEnd = InputBox("Enter End Date")

If isdate(sStart) and isDate(sEnd) then
res = Application.Match(clng(sStart),Range("A1:A365"),0)
res1 = Application.Match(clng(sEnd),Range("A1:A365"),0)
if not iserror(res) and not iserror(res1) then
set rng = Range(Range("A1:A20")(res),Range("A1:A365")(res1))
rng.resize(,6).BordersAround Weight:=xlMedium, ColorIndex:= 3
End if
End if

would be the basic approach. You can add in code to validate the entries in
the inputbox and dress it up and so forth. You might want to clear all
borders at the start, but you can get this code with the macro recorder.