Excel underlining

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Help please!
I have this one cell that I have merged with several others and used
wrap text. In this one cell is this long paragraph. I need 4 words
completely (even spaces, so one continuous line under all 4 words)
underlined in the middle of this paragraph. All is OK. On the normal
view it shows that the words are individually underlined, but in
preview, it is fully underlined.

But now I want to change this template so I have to change a couple of
words in this cell.
As soon as I modify this cell, the underlining goes to individual word
underlining even in the preview.

Can't seem to get it to recognize that I want to highlight all of the 4
words in one underline.

thanks so much
I just tried this with xl2002 and the underline was under all four words and the
spaces between them.

I couldn't get it to mess up.

So I'm guessing that either you're using a different (earlier) version of
excel. If yes, you may want to post that version so that others can test and
report back.

Silly guess: On the other hand, maybe it's the printer driver that's causing
you grief. If you change printers do you have the same problem? If no, then
maybe it's time to go to the printer manufacturer's web site and download a
newer (or at least fresh) copy of the printer driver.
I couldn't recreate this problem in Excel 97, 2000, 2002 or 2003. What
version are you using, and how are you underlining the words?
Hi Dave, Hi Debra
Thanks for your quick responses.

I am using Excel 2000.

I have attached the file I have been trying to work with.
It sounds so silly but I am just so frustrated!

I am using Excel to create these generic letters with my database o
customers' names (although I am sure there are better ways).

If you look on the worksheet tab 1 and 2, slightly different sentence
in the first paragraph. The 4 words get continually underlined an

But on Tab 3, you will see. Right now on the view, it looks like the
words are separately underlined. But on Print Preview..it is OK, the
words are underlined. so I didn't really care at first.

But now I am trying to change the words in that first paragraph fo
another version of the letter. And as soon as I change anything i
this cell, the underlinining goes to individual words. Doesn't matte
if I am adding, erasing, replacing words. As long as I edit anythin
in that cell, it changes the underlining format. It is s
To work around the problem, I have tried just making a new spreadsheet
or copying tabs 1 or 2 and modifying those, but somehow it resorts t
this individual underlining thing no matter what now.

Am I doing something weird?!



| Attachment filename: underlining template.xls
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=377769
I opened your file with Excel 2000, and added a word to the cell with
underlining. There are spaces between the words in normal view, but the
underlining is solid in Preview view.

Perhaps you could download the latest appropriate driver from your
printer manufacturer's web site, and that might correct the problem.

However, I'd recommend using Microsoft Word to create your letters, with
an Excel file as a data source. It will be much easier to create and
format the text, and to add features like bulleted lists.
It worked?
On Worksheet Tab 3, you tried adding something to that sam
paragraph..i.e. change the word MACHINES to PARTS
and the print view still showed full underline?
I guess we are seeing different things then...

I will try the printer driver suggestion, but it is weird that Tab
and 2 print out OK and appear fine in the Normal View no?

I will play with the Word template using Excel data, I agree
I went back and tried again, using your example. If I changed any word
in the line that contains the underlining, the words separated. If I
changed a word in a different line, the underlining stayed intact.

It is odd, and even more reason to switch to Word, if you can.