Today i have tried to open Excel, but i get a small window:
Windows Installer
"Preparing to Install"
I'm not sure why it is trying to install. I can open excel (through
MyComputer, Program Files ect...) but i still get the installer. Once i
cancel it i can use excel with no problem (open, save, create documents..).
I've no idea why my PC tries to install Excel when it is not needed.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
Windows Installer
"Preparing to Install"
I'm not sure why it is trying to install. I can open excel (through
MyComputer, Program Files ect...) but i still get the installer. Once i
cancel it i can use excel with no problem (open, save, create documents..).
I've no idea why my PC tries to install Excel when it is not needed.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks.