EXCEL to TEXT file

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
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I know how to convert .txt file to excel spreadsheet, but how do you
get EXEL spreadsheet to a .txt file ?
Thanx in advance
Steve said:
I know how to convert .txt file to excel spreadsheet, but how do you
get EXEL spreadsheet to a .txt file ?

In addition to what Frank said, you can also copy and paste an Excel
spreadsheet (or parts of one) into a Word document as text, as a Word table,
or even as an Excel spreadsheet.
I have opened a comma delimited .txt file into excel
I need to save it as a tab delimited text file
when I open it in dos editor, the data is not aligned properly. I have some
of columnA data in ColumnB etc. Is there a max width? My longest data is
12 digits long. I've even padded emty cells with bogus data thinking that
was the problem but it's still not lining up properly.
thanks in advance.
If you save the file as tab delimited, your data won't line up. Since it's
separated by tabs, it doesn't need to.

If you want your text file to line up (fixed width fields), then you could try
saving it as "formatted Text (Space Delimited)(*.prn)"

You might have to widen your columns to accommodate the data and I like to use
Courier New to make sure things line up.

Here's a link with a couple more options:
http://google.com/[email protected]