Excel Time Stamp help

May 3, 2010
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Hi I'm trying to take metrics on how long each task takes me to do.

So i have a start time and end time for 25 tasks.

However, when i use the =Now() function it updates every single cell in the work book. I just want to be able to click in one cell - have it take a time stamp them when done enter the the next cell next to it and enter a different time stamp.


Task 1 - CellA1 = 12:40PM CellA2 = 12:55PM.

I'm unable to do that, any help or suggestions would be appreciated it! thanks so much.
Put your formula in all the cells you will want to show a time. They'll all show the current time each time you update your calculations (either manually or by saving/refreshing the sheet). When you want the time in a particular cell to stay at its current value, select the cell then Copy and PasteValues (Paste Special/Values in 2003). This replaces the formula with its answer so the cell stops updating.
I can't think of a way of retrieving times that have passed already though ...

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