Excel Templates

  • Thread starter Thread starter Danny
  • Start date Start date


I would like to have a couple of custom templates that I have created
display in the "General" or "Spreadsheet Solutions" tabs for a user to

I placed the templates (sample.xlt) into the C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Templates\1033 folder with the other templates but they don't show up
as a choice when I go to "General Templates..."

What's the trick?

If you stick your templates into the Spreadsheet Solutions folder they should
show up under that tab.

If you want a user-created folder to show up on the list of tabs you must
first create a sub folder within a folder to store the templates.

Then open Word(yes, Word) and Tools>Options>File Locations>User

Browse off to your folder and OK

If you don't mind, click Yes.

This sub folder will show up as a tab next to the others only if it contains
*.xlt or *.xls files.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Maybe easier if you just make a new folder under the 1033 folder.

Stick your templates in there then in Word modify the user templates path to

Not to your folder, to the 1033 folder.

Your subfolder will show as a tab.

Thanks Gord! I didn't see a "Spreadsheet Solutions" folder (I'm using Office
2002) so I used your second solution and it worked great.
Thanks again.