Excel takes long time to start

  • Thread starter Thread starter Carl
  • Start date Start date


One of our clients has changed the read only setting to his documents and
setting profiles and since then Excel takes forever to open. Word, PowerPoint
and Outlook are ok. Once Excel is started, the opening of the documents goes
well. I try repairing office but it's still not working. The configuration is
a profile on a terminal server and all the other users are ok. I even tried
adding this user to the admin group and I’m having the same problem, I have
no errors in the event viewer. Any idea??
Thanks in advanced
What version of excel are you using?

If you are using 2007 try this:

Right-click on the start button and select EXPLORE.

In the box sellect the header Tools>Folder Options>File Types

Find and choose xlsx then click on Advanced then double click Open.

In the "Application used to perform action:" box it should read:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" /e

add <space>"%1" at the end. Make sure you put in a space after the "e" so it
looks like:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\EXCEL.EXE" /e "%1"

Say OK and then do the same thing to xls and xlsm files.

See if that helps.
