If you mean "transpose" ..
Assume the source table is say in Sheet1,
in A1
2 (a 2R x 4C grid)
a. For a one-time Tranpose:
Copy the source table
Right-click on say A4 > Paste Special > check "Transpose" > OK
The transposed table will appear in A4:B7
b. Another way is to use TRANSPOSE()
(which stays "linked" to the source)
Let's transpose the same source table
to another sheet, say, Sheet2
In Sheet2:
Select say, A1:B4 as the target range
(Target range must be a 4R x 2C grid,
the "converse" grid to the source)
Put in the *formula bar*: =TRANSPOSE(Sheet1!A1
Array-enter the formula, viz.:
Hold down CTRL + SHIFT, press ENTER
(instead of just pressing ENTER)
Done correctly Excel will wrap curly braces around the formula, viz.:
(don't type-in the curly braces!)
The same formula will appear in each cell in A1:B4
A1:B4 will return the transposed table
which is linked to the source table in Sheet1's A1