Excel startup settings



This evening I ran into a problem with starting excel or more precisely
opening workbooks.
I was writing some code in an addin I am developing. As close as I can
recreate the problem it went something like this:

I opened MyAddin which automatically opens MyFile. I created a new Forms
command button on MyFile and opened the dialog to assign a macro. Since the
target macro is in MyAddin it didn't show up on the list (as expected). I
typed in the macro name (BUT critically, I think I forgot to enter
"MyAddin.xla!" to fully qualify the location of this macro). When I clicked
the button, it started another addin (Rob Bovey's VBA CodeCleaner) which
crashed in mid procedure.

I'm not sure how started this sub but I suspect that lacking a fully
qualified assigned name, my button click caused the program to search thru
all available addins til it locates one with the name I assigned to the

The problem now is that the above mentioned crash seems to have left some
excel setting modified (which I assume would have been re-set if I could have
completed the CodeCleaner procedure).

The current symptom I am having is that whenever I click on a workbook icon
in the desktop or wherever, an instance of Excel is opened but the particular
workbook does NOT open. (I get the same blank grey screen that I get whenever
I close all workbooks, but have not closed the xl program.) I can then use
File>Open and find the file again and open it, or click on New to open a new

So, the question: Is there a way to re-set some property of Excel so I can
directly open files from the window icons?


Tom Ogilvy

Look in tools=>Options in the general tab and see if "Ignore Other
applications" is checked. If so, uncheck it. (you need a workbook open at
the time to get into options)

If that doesn't work, then close excel and go to the windows start menu, and
select run. type in

excel.exe /regserver
and click OK. This will refresh excels registry settings.

One of these will usually rectify that problem.


Worked a charm. thanks

Tom Ogilvy said:
Look in tools=>Options in the general tab and see if "Ignore Other
applications" is checked. If so, uncheck it. (you need a workbook open at
the time to get into options)

If that doesn't work, then close excel and go to the windows start menu, and
select run. type in

excel.exe /regserver
and click OK. This will refresh excels registry settings.

One of these will usually rectify that problem.


Can you tell us which of those two suggestions, that Tom gave, worked?
Alok Joshi

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