Excel Spreadsheet into Access 2000

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charlene
  • Start date Start date


I have been given an Excel Spreadsheet to import into
Access 2000. This spreadsheet goes on and on.
month/year, forecast spend, actual spend by month and
year. What is the best way to set this up in Access? Can
I break the information up so my form is not real long.
and so where I don't have to retype any of the information
from the excel spreadsheet.
The headings are as follows: Status / ALIAS / Plan-Pt
2003 / Forecast Pt 2003 / Plan Total Expenses 2003 / Jan
2003 forecast / Jan 2003 Actual etc...it also includes the
same info for 2002 - 2007
From my expirience it depend how your excell data are organized, if you have
hiden cells or merged or anything similliar, from expirience best way is to
use ole.
