Excel Excel Show Countdown Date

Sep 12, 2018
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I'm stuck...Can someone please help? I'm trying to find a way of showing a future (Countdown Date).
Each person is billable up to 1000. What date will the target of 60,000 be achieved?
If today we have billed 9,331.29.....what date will we achieve the remaining 50,668.71?
Screen Shot 2018-09-12 at 11.05.01.webp

I've attempted to draw out above what i'm trying to achieve, anyone know how i can do this automatically? With a countdown Date. (of working days)
Welcome to the forum :)

You could use this:


Which assumes that the maximum billable amount of £1000 is achieved each day. Is this what you're looking for?
Yes, the billable amount being 1000 every day. But the above formula doesn't work in giving the correct date.

want to be able to pick up the achievable date when the target can be reached. In a countdown format.
So the date is subject to change depending on if there was an billing.
How do you mean, you want the date in a count down format? Does that mean you want to know the number of days instead of the date? Do you have the cell formatting set to 'date'?
I have the cell set to Date & Time format. Yes i would like to have it displayed as DD MM YYYY : HH MM SS

Showing the Date; Time counting down.
The date/time will only change when the 'Today Billing' figure changes. If you want a count down then you will need to show the number of days/hours/minutes etc until the target is achieved, not the date when the expected target will be achieved. Even then, you will need Excel recalculating almost constantly to show an active count down.

You can use =NOW() to give the date and time right now, but as you will see it doesn't change until Excel recalculates it.
Yeah, thats not quite what i'm looking for. The date needs to be live / refreshed (but it needs to be in a countdown format) so counting down the days to when it will achieve 60,000. This would be determined based on the daily rate of 1000 and what the current billing is. Is this possible?
You seem to be wanting two separate things here; either you can have the date when the target will be achieved, or you can have the number of days counting down until the target is achieved. If you want a date counting down, this will only happen if the Today Billing figure is constantly changing.

It is also worth bearing in mind that when Excel recalculates, it recalculates everything. So if you want a constant countdown you need Excel constantly recalculating everything on the workbook, which will slow down performance considerably.