Hiya there. I'm designing a shop within MS Excel for some coursework fo
A-Level I.T. So far, I've implemented the main features such a
browsing, adding to basket, invoicing and confirming. All fine. I wan
to implement into it a search engine however. Usin
Index/Match/VLookup, it looks up 1 piece of information in a table fo
example and displays a result. Is there a way to search for one wor
within a table and display all the reults, in a new sheet for example
If I can implement this, I'll be the happiest student in the world!!!!
Thanks for any help!
A-Level I.T. So far, I've implemented the main features such a
browsing, adding to basket, invoicing and confirming. All fine. I wan
to implement into it a search engine however. Usin
Index/Match/VLookup, it looks up 1 piece of information in a table fo
example and displays a result. Is there a way to search for one wor
within a table and display all the reults, in a new sheet for example
If I can implement this, I'll be the happiest student in the world!!!!
Thanks for any help!