excel reporting through vb.net

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nilesh_nick
  • Start date Start date


i want to open an excel workbook on the server thorough asp.net dump data
from a database and save it on the server and then allow the user to either
open or save that xls file. i am using the following code:
xlWorkBook = New Excel.Application().Workbooks.Open(path, Type.Missing,
False, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing) 'to open
xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets("EffortsData") 'to get worksheet object
of a particular worksheet
xlWorkSheet.SaveAs(path, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, False,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing) 'to save

while debugging code on the server and on my local machine it runs perfectly
fine but while connecting through the website it gets stuck and gives no
please help
Since you're writing about .NET code, you probably want to ask this in
a .NET forum, such as

