Thanks for your reply.
I should have stated the purpose of the array - to populate a control.
Current code:
1. Define the array
dim personArray() as string
2. For-next sub to move values from Excel to the array:
personArray(i) = oXL.Cells(ThisRow, 1).value
(this sub does the dim preserve to update the array's index.)
3. Move values from array to control.
I tried your suggestion (modifying it a bit):
1. Define the range
Dim xrange As Excel.Range
xrange = oXL.Range("E2:E300")
2. Move values from range to control.
I get this vb.net Build error on last line, with xrange highlighted:
Value of type 'Excel.Range' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of string'.
Same error and highlight occurs with this:
Dim xrange As Excel.Range
xrange = oXL.Range("E2:E300")
personArray = xrange
A valid way to say this last line is what I'm looking for.
I have vb.net 2003 and Excel 2000.
The modules have:
Imports System
Imports System.io
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
On this reply, I changed the Subject line, adding "- populate control";
not sure how Google handles this.