-----Original Message-----
Sorry, no luck!..>_<"
Access VBA still prompts the same message after I took
off check the DisplayAlerts from Excel properties.
"A file named '...book1.xls' already exists in this
location. Do you want to replace it?" from Excel.Close
"do you want to save the changes you made
to 'Book1.xls'?" from [Excel.Quit]
Anyway can silence the message prompts while data insert
into Excel from Access application?
-----Original Message-----
Uou could try setting the DisplayAlerts property of the
Excel Application object to False
Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD
-----Original Message-----
Thanks for respone.
Yes, the prompt ask for saving data back to open Excel
from Access Form.
-----Original Message-----
Can you describe the prompt that you are talking about.
Gerald Stanley MCSD
-----Original Message-----
I am woking on Access 2000 VBA.
Does anyone know how to avoid the prompt while in using
Any suggestion is appreciated.