Excel Query setup

Jun 11, 2014
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So I created an excel file with a list of all of our current parts, each part has its own row which identifies its location, retailer part number, mfg part number, description, alternate part numbers and alternate descriptions (for those parts ordered from multiple retailers). After making this, I was asked to add the ability to easily search for specific parameters (which are contained in the description cell). So a single row will look something like this:

Box - Bin - RTN PN - MFG PN - Desc - Alts
box 1 - bin 1 - RTN## - MFG## - res 10 ohm 1% smd - <blank>

If the user wants to find all the parts that are "10 ohm" resistors, they would enter that text into the search field and the query would hide all the parts from the list that do not contain the text.

So far I have found many many pages devoted to how to set up a Microsoft Query for importing external data. I tried this, and got as far as telling the system to look at the correct Excel file for the information. But I do not know how to get this into the Excel file itself (so the user opens the parts list file and the top line is the place where they enter the text they are looking for), and I am also getting a 'syntax error' every time I try to include the Manufacturers Part Number column.

I'm not even sure what I need to ask to get this finished, but these are the places I have been getting information from thus far:
community spiceworks com/topic/207522-excel-variable-parameter-query
excelforum com/excel-programming-vba-macros/746888-ms-query-like-function-with-a-wildcard html
excelforum com/excel-programming-vba-macros/668598-ms-query-wildcard-like-with-a-parameter html
microsoft com/en-us/office2010developertrainingcourse_vbalab_topic3#_Toc290033928
and there was a post here on PCreview but I lost its address.

If someone could please help me by pointing me to a more similar setup process to what I want (internal excel data instead of external database), or even giving me directions here if they know what they are doing, I would be very appreciative.