I hope I have got the correct community - please advise which one I should
use if this is not the rigth one
I have used Office for Mac X for some time without problems
Since loading the latest update 10.1.6 I have had sendless problems with
Excel - everythings else seems ok...
I have tried removong and re-installing Office. the application worked fine
unitl I re-installed the update.
Macros I have written will nopt run
I cannot write new Macros
Sometimes even simple new formulas will not produce a result ( this is
especially the case where I am working with subtotals)
Error messages including project not available etc
I could work with the programme without the latest update but that seems a
bit stupid.
Can you help please
use if this is not the rigth one
I have used Office for Mac X for some time without problems
Since loading the latest update 10.1.6 I have had sendless problems with
Excel - everythings else seems ok...
I have tried removong and re-installing Office. the application worked fine
unitl I re-installed the update.
Macros I have written will nopt run
I cannot write new Macros
Sometimes even simple new formulas will not produce a result ( this is
especially the case where I am working with subtotals)
Error messages including project not available etc
I could work with the programme without the latest update but that seems a
bit stupid.
Can you help please