I've been working with VBA in Excel for some months and finds it to be
a very powerful and useful environment. I'm learing a lot from reading
Q&A's in Google and Microsoft groups - it's really great!
Now I'm trying something new: I want to copy some stuff (Text and
Graphs) from Excel to Powerpoint. It works basically fine, except for
one irritating feature: When I make PowerPoint visible, I loose the
focus I still need in the Excel window.
My code starts like this:
Sub XL2PPT()
' using OLE automation
Dim PPT As Object
Dim Pres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim i As Integer, cnt As Integer
Dim mfile As String, filetoopen As Variant
Dim sht As String
Dim expsht As Worksheet, mrow As Integer
Set PPT = CreateObject("powerpoint.application")
PPT.Visible = True 'Makes PowerPoint visible
filetoopen = Application _
.GetOpenFilename("PowerPoint files (*.ppt), *.ppt", , "Please select
the relevant PowerPoint report template")
If filetoopen = False Then
MsgBox "No file was selected"
Exit Sub
End If
Set Pres = PPT.Presentations.Open(Filename:=filetoopen,
' --------- and so on
What I want is to keep focus in my Excel application, but what seems to
happen is that the PowerPoint window takes over and the Excel window
starts blinking, because there is an active dialogue asking to open a
template into which I'm writing the stuff from Excel. When selecting
the Excel window again everything works just fine, but I think that the
users should not be bothered with this confusing extra trouble.
Do any of you experienced gurus know how I can achieve focus to my
Excel window again using VBA/OLE (obviously ThisWorkbook.Activate does
not make it)?
I've been working with VBA in Excel for some months and finds it to be
a very powerful and useful environment. I'm learing a lot from reading
Q&A's in Google and Microsoft groups - it's really great!
Now I'm trying something new: I want to copy some stuff (Text and
Graphs) from Excel to Powerpoint. It works basically fine, except for
one irritating feature: When I make PowerPoint visible, I loose the
focus I still need in the Excel window.
My code starts like this:
Sub XL2PPT()
' using OLE automation
Dim PPT As Object
Dim Pres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim i As Integer, cnt As Integer
Dim mfile As String, filetoopen As Variant
Dim sht As String
Dim expsht As Worksheet, mrow As Integer
Set PPT = CreateObject("powerpoint.application")
PPT.Visible = True 'Makes PowerPoint visible
filetoopen = Application _
.GetOpenFilename("PowerPoint files (*.ppt), *.ppt", , "Please select
the relevant PowerPoint report template")
If filetoopen = False Then
MsgBox "No file was selected"
Exit Sub
End If
Set Pres = PPT.Presentations.Open(Filename:=filetoopen,
' --------- and so on
What I want is to keep focus in my Excel application, but what seems to
happen is that the PowerPoint window takes over and the Excel window
starts blinking, because there is an active dialogue asking to open a
template into which I'm writing the stuff from Excel. When selecting
the Excel window again everything works just fine, but I think that the
users should not be bothered with this confusing extra trouble.
Do any of you experienced gurus know how I can achieve focus to my
Excel window again using VBA/OLE (obviously ThisWorkbook.Activate does
not make it)?