Jeff Hunt
I've asked this question before and got it resolved, but now it's back on
another form and I can't seem to get rid of it. I am opening two Excel
workbooks, moving data from one to the other, doing a SaveCopyAs, then
closing both of the original files. When it's all done, Excel is still
listed in my TaskMan. The code calling Excel is as follows:
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWb1 As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSht1 As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlWb2 As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSht2 As Excel.Worksheet
strTempPath = "\\ccnp-fileprint\data\Investments\Public Corp Actions\Journal
strTempName = "JournalEntryTemp.xls"
strTempFileName = strTempPath & strTempName
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9,
"tblJournalEntryExportTemp", strTempFileName
strTemplatePath = "\\ccnp-fileprint\data\Investments\Public Corp
Actions\Journal Entries\"
strTemplateName = "JETemplateFAF.xls"
strTemplateFileName = strTemplatePath & strTemplateName
strNewTemplateName = "JETemplateFAF_" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
strNewTemplateFileName = strTemplatePath & strNewTemplateName
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") '''create an instance of Excel
Set xlWb1 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strTempFileName) '''Open the Excel file of
Set xlSht1 = xlWb1.Worksheets(1) '''select the first
worksheet as active
Set xlWb2 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strTemplateFileName, , True) '''Open the
Excel file of JE Template
Set xlSht2 = xlWb2.Worksheets(1) '''select the first
worksheet as active
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
'xlApp.Visible = True
xlSht2.Range("A8", "K5000").ClearContents
xlSht1.Range("A2", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 11).Select
xlApp.Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
xlWb2.SaveCopyAs strNewTemplateFileName
MsgBox "A new Journal Entry Template file has been created at: " & vbCrLf &
strNewTemplateFileName, _
vbInformation, "Export OK!"
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
xlWb1.Close False
xlWb2.Close False
Set xlSht1 = Nothing
Set xlWb1 = Nothing
Set xlSht2 = Nothing
Set xlWb2 = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
There is more code to this Sub, but it doesn't touch excel except right here
at the end. I guess there is also transferSpreadsheet just before this
section (DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9,
"tblJournalEntryExportTemp", strTempFileName) but I don't think it actually
calls an instance of Excel.
Anyone see what I am doing wrong? I even tried having two separate
Excel.Application instances, one for each file, and one closed but not the
another form and I can't seem to get rid of it. I am opening two Excel
workbooks, moving data from one to the other, doing a SaveCopyAs, then
closing both of the original files. When it's all done, Excel is still
listed in my TaskMan. The code calling Excel is as follows:
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWb1 As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSht1 As Excel.Worksheet
Dim xlWb2 As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlSht2 As Excel.Worksheet
strTempPath = "\\ccnp-fileprint\data\Investments\Public Corp Actions\Journal
strTempName = "JournalEntryTemp.xls"
strTempFileName = strTempPath & strTempName
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9,
"tblJournalEntryExportTemp", strTempFileName
strTemplatePath = "\\ccnp-fileprint\data\Investments\Public Corp
Actions\Journal Entries\"
strTemplateName = "JETemplateFAF.xls"
strTemplateFileName = strTemplatePath & strTemplateName
strNewTemplateName = "JETemplateFAF_" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") & ".xls"
strNewTemplateFileName = strTemplatePath & strNewTemplateName
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") '''create an instance of Excel
Set xlWb1 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strTempFileName) '''Open the Excel file of
Set xlSht1 = xlWb1.Worksheets(1) '''select the first
worksheet as active
Set xlWb2 = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(strTemplateFileName, , True) '''Open the
Excel file of JE Template
Set xlSht2 = xlWb2.Worksheets(1) '''select the first
worksheet as active
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
'xlApp.Visible = True
xlSht2.Range("A8", "K5000").ClearContents
xlSht1.Range("A2", Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)).Resize(, 11).Select
xlApp.Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
xlWb2.SaveCopyAs strNewTemplateFileName
MsgBox "A new Journal Entry Template file has been created at: " & vbCrLf &
strNewTemplateFileName, _
vbInformation, "Export OK!"
xlApp.DisplayAlerts = True
xlWb1.Close False
xlWb2.Close False
Set xlSht1 = Nothing
Set xlWb1 = Nothing
Set xlSht2 = Nothing
Set xlWb2 = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
There is more code to this Sub, but it doesn't touch excel except right here
at the end. I guess there is also transferSpreadsheet just before this
section (DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9,
"tblJournalEntryExportTemp", strTempFileName) but I don't think it actually
calls an instance of Excel.
Anyone see what I am doing wrong? I even tried having two separate
Excel.Application instances, one for each file, and one closed but not the