excel moves to left



I'll admidt that I'm a different person. I keep my
taskbar along the left-hand side of the screen. As a
consequence, every time i close and re-open excel, the
window moves further to the left, instead of opening at
the position where it closed. Can anyone tell me how to
fix this problem? (and moving the taskbar is not an

using excel 2000
9.0.442 SR-1

on win2k sp4 machine

Dave R.

I just tried moving my taskbar to the left, and I like it much better than
along the bottom, thanks for the idea. The window doesn't move strangely as
yours does however. using Xl 2000 on Win 98 SE machine.


I have tried moving my task bar to the left. I have opened
and closed Excel several times and it always opens in he
right place. I am using Win. 98 SE and I have Excell 2000.
Either you have some kind of malfunction or else whatever
windows program you are using does not support the option
of moving the task bar to the left. Mine works regardless
of where I put my task bar.


Seems like defective product. Incomplete software
testing. Is it soo unreasonable to have the taskbar on
the left? This frees up space for veiwing documents in
their proper form full page (why did they make computer
monitors landscape anyway). I would have hoped that
microsoft would have tested their own products for

But here's the kicker - all my other office apps work
fine. Just excel is a ninny and does the left shuffle.

Well, thanks for the feedback. It seem like the final
word is that 98 works (too bad i need to use 2k at work).
And I appear to have a disability since I have a different
preference than what microsoft tells me i should.

Interested Party

(why did they make computer monitors landscape anyway). . .

The earliest computer monitors were actually television sets that were
"commandeered" by the early computer designers (read: geeks).

The Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT's) of television sets were in landscape
orientation, so that orientation stuck.

Useless trivia from Steve!

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