Excel module: Mark records if it contains names out of another list

  • Thread starter Thread starter johan
  • Start date Start date



I've got an spreadsheet with several columns. The datafields of it are
filled with a lot of text. A part of the text could be one or more of
the people that are linked to my group. I'v got a separate list with
the names of those people with in the next column their company nr.
(for example: McGregor UTP135)

In detail:
Sheet 1, Column B, C and D is filled with text and perhaps one or more
of the names of my people is a part of it.
Sheet 2, Column A is the persons name and Column B is the company nr.

What I like to have;
A module which looks in sheet 1 if the name of a person (from sheet 2)
is filled in in one of the columns B,C,D per record. If so, then the
module has to set the persons name in column E and thecompany nr in
column F.
The module has to do this for each name on the list of sheet 2.

It could be possible that more then one person of the list in sheet 2
is filled in in the same record of sheet 1.
I think that its to difficult (?) to set in the same record of column
E/F also the other name/companynr of the other people. No problem if
so, but....... it should be nice :).
Another solution could be that the module registered in column G the
totalnumber of found people but registered in column E/F only the
first one that were found. (for example: McGregor UTP135 3).
Then I know that I have to check also in detail the marked record for
the other names.

If somebody can help me out :):):) (happy).

Here's a possible solution:

Sub DoSearch()

Const COL_NAME As Integer = 5

Dim rngContent As Range, rngNames As Range
Dim c As Range, bFound As Boolean, rw As Range
Dim rngN As Range, sep As String

'adjust ranges to suit....
Set rngContent = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("B2:D100")
Set rngNames = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A2:A100")

For Each rw In rngContent.Rows
For Each rngN In rngNames.Cells
For Each c In rw.Cells
If c.Value <> "" And rngN.Value <> "" And _
InStr(c.Value, rngN.Value) > 0 Then

sep = ""
With rngContent.Parent.Cells(c.Row, COL_NAME)
If Len(.Value) > 0 Then sep = Chr(10)
.Value = .Value & sep & rngN.Value
.Offset(0, 1).Value = .Offset(0, 1).Value & _
sep & rngN.Offset(0, 1).Value
End With
Exit For 'stop checking once name is found

End If
Next c
Next rngN
Next rw

End Sub

Bonus: add this in just above `sep="" ` and it will highlight the
found name in the text being searched.

'hilite the found name
c.Characters(Start:=InStr(c.Value, rngN.Value), _
Length:=Len(rngN.Value)).Font.Color = vbRed


Thanks for the solution you had send to me (and which is included
It works as needed :)
Regards, Johan.

Option Explicit
Sub GetDataSAS()
Dim c As Range
Dim mf As Range
Dim i As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Cells(2, "e").Resize(100, 3).ClearContents

For Each c In Sheets("sheet2").Range("b2:b5")
For i = 2 To 4

Set mf = Columns(i).Find(What:=c, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows,
SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not mf Is Nothing Then
Cells(mf.Row, "f") = Cells(mf.Row, "f") & " " & c
Cells(mf.Row, "e") = Cells(mf.Row, "e") & " " & c.Offset(, -1)
Cells(mf.Row, "g") = Cells(mf.Row, "g") + 1
End If
Next i
Next c
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub