No, not without some fudging. Any solution (like the one Jon proposed)
*has* to shift the line categories so that they no longer synchronize
with the bar categories.
If the data for the line are such that you can create a trendline
(select the series then Chart | Add Trendline...) that goes precisely
through each point, you could then extend that trendline 0.5 unit
forward and 0.5 unit backward (double-click the trendline, then select
the Options tab).
If not, here's the last fallback possibility: Convert the line to a XY
Scatter chart (hopefully, that is acceptable). Now, add the first two
points as a separate standalone series. Create a linear trendline for
this dummy series and extend it backwards by 0.5 units. Create another
dummy series but this time you will also have to specify x values. The
x values should be n-1 and n where n are the number of points in the
original series. The y values for this, the 2nd dummy series, will be
the last two values of the original line chart. For this new dummy
series, create a linear trendline and extend it forward by 0.5 units.
Format everything for aesthetic appeal.
Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions