Excel Macros sending attachments to multiple e-mail addressescontained in one cell.

  • Thread starter Thread starter mason.bancroft
  • Start date Start date


Hi there!

I have this Excel Macros which is designed to send an attachment to
someone's e-mail address. In this case, the title of the attachment is
identical to the name of the person to who I am sending it to.

My active worksheet only uses two ranges, A and B. Down column A
lists the names of people; each cell in column A contains one person's
name. Down Column B lists each person's corresponding e-mail address;
each cell in column B contains one e-mail address. The code below
works just fine for that.

Unfortunately, there may be more than one e-mail addresses contained
in each B cell. Any suggestions?

Sub SendEmailWithAttachment()
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim objOutlookMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strEmail As String, strName As String
Dim lRowCount As Long

Set objOutlook = CreateObject("outlook.application") ' Start

lRowCount = 2 ' Change to starting ROW containing email address/

Do Until ActiveSheet.Cells(lRowCount, 2) = "" ' check for email,
End if none found
strEmail = ActiveSheet.Cells(lRowCount, 2).Value ' get email
strName = ActiveSheet.Cells(lRowCount, 1).Value ' get client name
Set objOutlookMsg = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) ' create
new email msg
With objOutlookMsg ' Fill email

.Subject = "Put this text in subject line" ' Note: Could be
column "C" - ActiveSheet.Cells(lRowCount, 3).Value
.Body = "Put this text in body of email" ' Note: Could be
column "D" - ActiveSheet.Cells(lRowCount, 4).Value

.To = strEmail
.Attachments.Add ("c:/e-mail attachments/" & strName & ".xls")
End With
lRowCount = lRowCount + 1 ' Increment Row Counter

Set objOutlook = Nothing
Set objOutlookMsg = Nothing
End Sub
Do you have duplicate rows with the same mail addresss in B ?
Am I understand you correct ?
Do you have duplicate rows with the same mail addresss in B ?
Am I understand you correct ?


Regards Ron de Bruinhttp://www.rondebruin.nl/tips.htm

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I figured it out Ron. Sorry to waste your time. The code works just
fine. There could be more than one e-mail address in each b cell in
some circumstances. When I was running some tests, it seemed to work
if I did not use a hyper link (i.e., just had the e-mail address in
simple text) and used the semi colon ; to separate each e-mail address
contained in one B cell. If it doesn't work the next time I try, then
I'll leave a message again (but I think it will). Thanks again
Ron! :)
I need a complex macro for sending multiple mails from excel. I have no knowledge of macros and i would be really obliged if someone can help me with it. Here is a sample excel and the required mails

HeadingID 1ID 2DateEmail IDTABC100110129/13/2011(e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed)[/COLOR]; xyz@xyz.com; (e-mail address removed)[/COLOR]; xyz@xyz.com; (e-mail address removed)[/COLOR]; xyz@xyz.com; (e-mail address removed)[/SIZE]

Sample mails:

To: (e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed);
Subject: TABC

This is the mail content

Mail 2:
To: pqr(e-mail address removed); xyz(e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed);
Subject: TA00

This is the mail content


Similarly Mail 3, Mail 4 etc till the end of the worksheet. Each mail will begin and end on the basis of column "Heading" and the content of the mail will also depend on that. Please give me a complete macro since i have no knowledge of macros. This macro will be very beneficial for me. i will be really grateful to whoever can give me the complete Macro.

I need a complex macro for sending multiple mails from excel. I have no knowledge of macros and i would be really obliged if someone can help me with it. Here is a sample excel and the required mails

HeadingID 1ID 2DateEmail IDTABC100110129/13/2011(e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed)[/COLOR]; xyz@xyz.com; (e-mail address removed)[/COLOR]; xyz@xyz.com; (e-mail address removed)[/COLOR]; xyz@xyz.com; (e-mail address removed)[/SIZE]

Sample mails:

To: (e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed);
Subject: TABC

This is the mail content

Mail 2:
To: pqr(e-mail address removed); xyz(e-mail address removed); (e-mail address removed);
Subject: TA00

This is the mail content


Similarly Mail 3, Mail 4 etc till the end of the worksheet. Each mail will begin and end on the basis of column "Heading" and the content of the mail will also depend on that. Please give me a complete macro since i have no knowledge of macros. This macro will be very beneficial for me. i will be really grateful to whoever can give me the complete Macro.
